Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Various stuff

In the County u160 matches last Sunday, Suffolk's Andrew Shephard recorded a quick win against a lack-lustre Cambridgeshire opponent, forcing resignation in just 19 moves.   You can view the game in the Games section on this website.


No one has yet provided a solution to Monday's 'Five Queens' problem.   If there's no response by tomorrow afternoon, I'll publish the answer then.


Finally, a reminder to let me have any interesting games or positions that crop up.   If I'm to continue to post something every day, I need your support!


  1. Silas Peck10 January 2013 at 02:47

    How does one upload games/positions here?

  2. Bob Jones10 January 2013 at 09:45

    You can't. But if you email me a game or position, I'll post it for you in the 'Games' section.

  3. Silas Peck10 January 2013 at 15:12

    So I could send you any game/position played for Suffolk or within Suffolk? For example, it could be in the EACU County Championships, or the Suffolk League, or any individual championship placed in Suffolk.

  4. Bob Jones10 January 2013 at 16:33

    Any game/position Silas, played by you, but not necessarily within the county. For example you might have had a cracking game in the London Junior, or Northwood Park event. This website is about chess-players from Suffolk, wherever they may play.

  5. Silas Peck10 January 2013 at 18:40

    I understand, I may send you a position/game sometimes.

    In fact, I've discovered a nice position where my opponent could have checkmated me in six moves, it didn't actually happen in the game because I lost on time before he could try anything. But it's a decent puzzle and it genuinely happened.

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