What else is important to remember in pawn promotion? The move is 'made' when the new piece is released (Rule 4.6c). There's a difference between a move being 'made' and 'completed'. The latter only occurs when the clock has been pressed.
If a piece is not available, then you may stop the clocks to call the arbiter in order to locate a suitable piece (Rule 6.12b). Using an upturned rook as a queen can be dangerous in tournament play, as your opponent may insist that it's still a rook! In league games, it's generally accepted that an upturned rook is a queen, but you should make sure your opponent knows it's intended to be a queen, and accepts that it is.
It's not considered good practice to place the queen on the promotion square without first promoting the pawn, although that technique is often seen in quickplay finishes.
You can promote to any piece, regardless of whether that piece has already been taken. That means you can have more than one queen, or more than two knights. In fact in theory you could have nine queens! Promotion to anything other than a queen is known as 'under-promotion'.
In the following position, how many mates in one (for White) can you find?

Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteDoes a mate from the same square using a different pomoted piece count as a "mate" for each piece for this puzzle?
Dvaid Green
If I understand you correctly, then yes! Different promoted pieces count as separate mates.
DeleteOk then
DeleteD8=N is mate
d7xE8=R is mate
d7XE8=Q is mate
d7xC8=Q is mate
d7XC8=B is mate
So that makes just 5
No en passant moves to complicate matters this time.
David Green
Well done Dave. Take first prize.