At the Annual General Meeting in June it was agreed that the SCCA rules needed a radical revision. Some of the rules were ambiguous, or poorly drafted. A Rules sub-Committee was established, with representatives from each club.
Over the past six or seven weeks, hundreds of emails have been exchanged between the members of the committee, who were tasked to look at all 60 rules and to suggest amendments. The new Competitions Secretary, David Green, led the discussion and indeed made the initial gambit by providing his own suggested revision of the first 29 rules.
Yesterday (6 August), the members of the committee came together for a meeting at the Stowmarket Chess Club venue, to agree as many of the revised rules as possible. The meeting was chaired by Suffolk President Colin Roberts, with County Secretary Bob Jones taking notes.
The photo above shows all those attending the meeting (except Bob Jones who took the photo!).
By 22.40, when President Colin closed the meeting, most of the rules had been agreed; only a few remain to be discussed. These will be considered over the next week or so, reverting to email contact between the members. The complete set of revised rules will be put to an Extraordinary General Meeting of the County Association on Tuesday 26 August, at the Ipswich Chess Club. All members of affiliated clubs are welcome to attend. It is anticipated the final set of rules will be published a week or so before the meeting.