Last Tuesday, GM Jonathan Levitt bravely took on 17 Ipswich players in a simultaneous display. There were some tough games which lasted late into the evening. Congratulations go to Silas Peck, Tim Lunn and Martin Fogg on winning their games. The full results are given below:
WIN – Silas Peck, Tim Lunn, Martin Fogg
DRAW – Ted Matthewson, Ken Lunn, Alex Sheerin
LOSS – Martin Tomes, Les Jones, Tim Serpell, Andrew Shephard, Keith Woodcock, Bernie Ross, Michael Cook, Alonso Paez, John Feavyour, Sam Brennan, Michael Clapham

Photo above shows (l to r) Tim Lunn, Silas Peck, Keith Woodcock, Alonso Paez, Mike Cook, John Feavyour, with Jon Levitt standing.
Many thanks to all who took part and especially to Jonathan for giving up his time and energy in putting on the display.