Friday, 28 November 2014

County matches

This weekend and next will see three Suffolk teams in action against other EACU counties.

On Sunday the First Team take on Norfolk and Bedfordshire, whilst the following Sunday (7 December), the Under 160s play Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.   On the same date the Under 100s are matched against Cambridgeshire, whom they will play twice with reversed colours.   All matches take place at the Turner Hall, in Newmarket, starting at 10.00.

Team captains Ian Wallis (First team) and Bob Jones (u160s) have managed to find full teams of 16 players, albeit a little weaker than usual.   But Daniel Yarnton, the Under 100 captain, is still seeking three more players to complete his team.   Any Suffolk players graded below 100 who would like to play should contact .

(EDIT): The Under 120s (captain - Peter Collicott) are also playing Norfolk in a double-header on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Ian Wallis28 November 2014 at 23:50

    There are actually four teams playing, the U120 team, captained by Dave Robertson, has a double header against Norfolk at the Turner Hall, Newmarket, on Sunday at the same time as the first team matches.

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