In the first round Adam (2023) beat an unrated player from Burundi and in Round 2 beat a 2256-rated player from France. With 17 players on 2/2 and Adam the lowest-rated player, it was surprising that he received the downward float to play the highest-rated player on 1½ points; this was the third seed, from India, an IM rated 2462. That seems a strange pairing to me; I would've floated down the median from the black-seekers.
Anyway, in a Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence, Adam always seemed to be on the back foot. Because he was on one of the top boards, you can view the whole game here. In the position below, Adam played 38...Kg6 and resigned after 39. Bc5 Re6 40. Bxe7 Rxe7 41. Rxd5.
Stockfish gives 38... Ke6 as the best move for Black, followed by 39. Rh5 Rd8, when Black may well be able to hold out for a draw. Still, a very creditable performance by Adam.
At the time of writing, the pairings for Monday's Round 4 have not been made. But Adam can certainly expect another tough opponent. At least he should have the white pieces this time!
Edit: And tough it is! A 2397-rated FM from Ukraine.
Well done Adam. Still going well after 5 rounds! TL