Thursday, 4 September 2014

Adam is off to Durban soon

16-year old Adam Taylor, top board for the current League Champions Manningtree A, has been selected to play for England in the forthcoming World Youth Chess Championships in Durban, South Africa.   The 11-round event starts on 19 September.

Sadly, representing England at chess is not the same as in most other sports: the cost of travel and accommodation has to be borne by the parents.   Adam's mother Debbie will in fact be 'Head of Delegation', responsible for the ten youngsters in the England team.   The cost to the family will be in the region of £3,000.

The Suffolk County Chess Association, at its AGM in June, awarded a grant of £100 to Adam and several individuals also contributed.

If anyone else would like to make a donation, however small, it will help to offset the enormous expense that has to bear.

Click here to see the full England team and their profiles.


  1. Anonymous5 September 2014 at 00:34

    I wish Adam all the very best in Durban. I'll try and send a donation to his mother ASAP

    Chris Davison (Out of form chess player!)

    1. Anonymous5 September 2014 at 12:54

      I cannot get access to the link to donate

      Chris Davison

    2. Anonymous5 September 2014 at 13:52

      Hi Chris,

      Thank you for offering to donate - much appreciated!!

      If you e-mail me at [email protected] I can give you my address and/or bank details.


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