Back on 4 February, you were given the challenge of solving an 'impossible' problem. Of course, it wasn't impossible, just very difficult. Silas Peck managed to solve it, but it took him the best part of two days! Here is the solution (and a reminder of the starting position, with White to play and win):

1. Nf6+ Kg7 not Kg6, else Bh5+, covering f7.
2. Nh5+ Kg6 not Kh7, else Bc2+, forcing the king to the back row, with d8Q+ to follow; also, obviously not Kf7.
3. Bc2+! Kxh5 forced.
4. d8Q!! Nf7+ else the new queen will soon clean up.
5. Ke6 Nxd8+
6. Kf5 with the simple threat Bd1# ...e2 forced.
7. Be4 threatening Bf3# ...e1N forced.
8. Bd5 heading for c4 and e2 ...c2
9. Bc4 c1N again forced, to guard e2.
10. Bb5 threatening Be8# ...Nc7 Black can delay things by one move by playing Nc6 first.
11. Ba4 and Black cannot prevent mate. Knights can be interposed, but eventually White will play Bd1+ and Bxf3#.
So at the finish it's mate with K, B and P, against four(!) knights, bishop and two pawns. Amazing.
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