The London Chess Conference took place at the Hilton Olympia from 10 - 12 December and was timed to coincide with the start of the 8th London Chess Classic.
There's an article here about it, by one of the presenters, Sean Marsh. The official website is here.
The topic of the Conference was 'The Didactics of Chess'. To save you looking it up, 'didactics' means 'the science, art, or practice of teaching'. So the Conference focused on different ways of teaching chess, mainly to children. Speakers from around the World included Malcolm Pein (Chess in Schools and Communities), Mike Basman (ex-UK Schools Chess Challenge) and Kevin O'Connell (formerly from Ipswich).
It would be useful if the speakers' papers could be published, but there's no word on that yet.
Many (probably most) will be published, but these things usually take quite a long time.