In the Under 160s he faced Lancashire captain Bill O'Rourke. After a see-saw game, the following position was reached, with Jaden (White) to play. Although a pawn down, Jaden is clearly winning. But what move did he play (probably the best move in this position)? Answer below.

43. Bb7! If ... Rxb7, the pawn promotes.
The game continued 43... Nxb4 44. cxb4 Kf8 45. d7 Rd8 46. Bc6 Ke7 47. Bxb5 c3, to reach the position below. Now can you reason Jaden's next move, again an excellent one?

48. Re1+
This moves forces the Black king to move and therefore no longer protecting the promotion square. The game concluded: 48... Kd6 49. Rc1 Rb8 50. Rxc3! Ra8 51. Rc8 1 - 0
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