Black should've responded 23... Qc7!, with a completely winning position (24. Ka1 Nxe4 25. Rb1 Rc1 26. Re1 Rxe1 27. Rxe1). Instead, Black played 23... Nxe4!?, when White cannot take the queen on d8 because of Nd2+ etc. After 24. Rxe4 Qc7, White made another error with 25. Rde1 (Ree1 was necessary). Black responded 25... Ne5 and White's position has collapsed. Justin fought on to move 65, but was always losing.
It's interesting that Australia has two International Masters at Under 18 level, whilst England has none....
FM Adam Taylor is on 4½ points, having won yesterday. Adam's Mum Debbie is Head of Delegation for the 24-strong English team, along with their six coaches. You can follow Debbie on Twitter.
Both Justin and Adam will be on today's Round 9 live games from 13.00.
In fact. Australia has five (not two) IMs under 18. But I am sure Alan will be one any time now for England.