The game continued: 24... b4 25. c4 Qc5 26. h4 Rd4 27. Qg3 a5 28. h5 Bc6 29. hxg6 hxg6? (see diagram below)
30. Qh3 Bf8 31.Nh7! Be7 32. Bf8!! A great move and a difficult one to find across the board. Rh4 (what else?) 33. Qxh4 Bxh4 34. Bxc5 Kxh7 35. Rh3 and Black resigned.
The computer also says that black has a small advantage in the first diagram. Can't see it myself as it looks as if white is all over black with the weak dark squares around the black king. But that is why I am only 150 and they are both over 200.