There was a major upset in the first round, when after an extraordinary series of exchanges, Nick Savage (Black) reached this position against Alan Merry:

22.... Rd8
23. Nf3 Nc3+
24. Ka1 Rd5
25. Rb1 Ra5
26. Rxb3 Bc1+
0 - 1
Unfortunately, this was the highlight of Nick's weekend, as he only managed a further half-point from his remaining four games.

The £500 first prize was won outright with 4½ points by FM David Eggleston, ahead of two GMs on 4 points.
Suffolk scores were:
Adam Hunt, Justin Tan, Alan Merry - 3
Ed Player - 2½
Nick Savage, Somton Ukken - 1½

After taking a half-point bye on Friday night, she lost two, drew one and won one, to finish on a creditable 2 points. Her win featured a strange blunder by her 144-graded opponent. In this position he played 19... h6, clearly fearing that Anita was about to play h6 herself. Of course, Anita played 20. Qxf6, forcing immediate resignation.
Hi Bob, Nice to see my game with Alan Merry getting a mention. Just for the record, it continued after the moves you give, with 27. Ra3 Rxa3 mate being played. Alan very sportingly allowed the mate to appear on the board because of the striking and attractive geometry of the final position. Nick Savage