Friday, 16 November 2012

15 years ago

Here's another 'blast from the past'. In 1997 Suffolk were winners of the Girls Minor Counties Final:

Can you recognise any of these young ladies?

They are (left to right): Joanna Rees; Emma Fletcher; Sophie Payne; Rachel West; Karen Maton; Christobel Harrington.

Despite being the youngest member of the team, Christobel was on Board 1.

Where are they all now? Jo is a psychologist at UEA in Norwich. Sophie emigrated to Australia (edit) with her parents in about 1999. Rachel was in Cambridge a couple of years ago and played for Cambridge City Chess Club. Anyone know about the others?


  1. John Lambert17 November 2012 at 11:04

    Bob I'm pretty sure Sophie went to Perth Australia, Mike Splading was in touch. Google Sophie Payne Australia Chess and she has several hits

  2. John Lambert17 November 2012 at 11:07

    Bob pretty sure Sophie and Parents went to Perth, Australia. Google her plus australia chess and you will get some hits. Gordon Maton played for Adastral last season

  3. Bob Jones17 November 2012 at 12:33

    You're right. I knew it was somewhere antipodean!

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